8.1.6. Data plan Support

public static DataPlanManager getInstance() - returns DataPlanManager singleton object

public int getDataPlanRole() - returns user role

public long getSellAmountData() - returns amount of data user wnts to share.

public int getDataAmountMode() - returns whether shared data is limited or unlimited.

public long getSellFromDate() - returns timestamp from when data selling starts.

public long getSellDataAmount() - returns value of data amount what user set for limited data plan.

public long getRemainingData() - returns remaining amount of data shared by seller.

public long getUsedData(Context context, long fromDate) - returns used data amount from specific timestamp.

public static void openActivity(Context context, int imageValue) - call this method to open default dataplan activity.

public static void resumeMessaging() - call this method to resume seller side functionality to help buyer messaging.

public void closeMesh(int role) - call this method to stop mesh communication.

public void roleSwitch(int newRole) - call this method to switch user role

public void setSellFromDate(long fromDate)- call this method to set data selling starting timestamp.

public void setDataAmountMode(int mode) - call this method to set user choise for data sharing limited/unlimited, value 1 for limited and 0 for unlimited.

``public void setSellDataAmount(Long sharedData) `` - call this method to set data sell amount in MB

public void closeAllActiveChannel() - call this method to close all active channel by seller.

public void initPurchase(double amount, String sellerId) - call this method to purchase data in MB from seller.

public void closePurchase(String sellerId) - call this method to close any purchased channel by buyer.

public void processAllSeller(Context context) - call this method to process the connected seller list in UI by buyer.

public void setCurrentSeller(Context context, String sellerId, String currentSellerStatus) - call this method to set status of the seller.

public void precessDisconnectedSeller(Context context, String sellerId) - call this method to process disconnected seller from list.

public void setDataPlanListener(DataPlanListener dataPlanListener) - set DataPlanListener from dataplan activity.

public Flowable<List<Seller>> getAllSellers() - observe this to get any change in connected seller list